Once again I don’t know why the hell I am posting this, which is not really directly related to training or sports in general, but I do believe it might help some of you ... or at least give you something to think about.
So a couple of nights ago I was sitting at a friends house just chilling, and as always, there was a girl there nagging for a good hour about how her relationship, and how it’s not going anywhere and the guy is not showing any interest in her anymore. And basically I got inspired and turned around and told her: life is like a rollercoaster. When you are going up, it is the best feeling ever. But going down, it’s a different story :) Yet you need to go down to realise how good the going up was... it is just like a wake up call saying ‘hey, did you see how good that was?’ Almost like when you lose something special... and you realise it was special only when its actually gone.
It is just human nature that we think the grass is always greener on the other side, and we forget how green our own grass is. So what I am saying is, sometimes you should take time out to appreciate what you have before you lose it!
Love, peace and big muscles.
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