I was watching Kai Greene’s new documentary recently, and at the start of it he says that people who have a reason in life are the ones which succeed in life. But it is not enough for somebody else to give you a reason, you have to find it within; and that’s not easy.
So I did a little experiment, and applied it to myself. And I realised that when I have something to do for the next day, normally I will go to bed early and wake up early with that target in mind – that’s my reason. Usually that way, half of the battle was won because I knew what I was doing, and why and was not confused about anything. If you don’t have a reason in your life or goals, there is no real point in anything you do… you are probably just walking around like a headless chicken and are just burning time and living for the sake of it.
I guess to really put it out there, we are still animals… no matter of our appearance. And we need some sort of lines to follow in life because without those, we would get lost. But this doesn’t mean I am saying don’t enjoy life to the fullest… Im just saying you need those guide lines to give some sort of meaning to life.
Try it, get out there and find your reason if you haven’t already. You will see the difference.
Love, peace and big muscles.
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Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Once again I don’t know why the hell I am posting this, which is not really directly related to training or sports in general, but I do believe it might help some of you ... or at least give you something to think about.
So a couple of nights ago I was sitting at a friends house just chilling, and as always, there was a girl there nagging for a good hour about how her relationship, and how it’s not going anywhere and the guy is not showing any interest in her anymore. And basically I got inspired and turned around and told her: life is like a rollercoaster. When you are going up, it is the best feeling ever. But going down, it’s a different story :) Yet you need to go down to realise how good the going up was... it is just like a wake up call saying ‘hey, did you see how good that was?’ Almost like when you lose something special... and you realise it was special only when its actually gone.
It is just human nature that we think the grass is always greener on the other side, and we forget how green our own grass is. So what I am saying is, sometimes you should take time out to appreciate what you have before you lose it!
Love, peace and big muscles.
body fitnes,
body fitness,
muscleand downs,
ups weights
Monday, 9 August 2010

As time goes by, I learn more and more about my body. One of the most important things I have learnt so far is that sometimes resting is a must to achieve better goals. At times we might think we are a Ferrari, and that we can race ahead until our hearts are content, but even those cars need a servicing now and again.
I am writing this, because in these past, I had been getting injured more and more often. First there was my outer calf muscle, where I had fibers toughen during a heavy set of leg press exercises…. This set me back nearly a month of training legs, and I could walk without crutches for over 2 weeks – it made going to the toilet fucking hard! Lol. Next thing to happen was an injury to my front left delt during a heavy set of front presses on the smith. This time I had felt something after the set but didn’t accept that it could be an injury and that I might need some time off… and yes, I know that I am a stubborn when it comes to these things but I did pay the price.
I’ve been going to get laser treatments on my shoulder every day for weeks and I am still i was not quite 100%. Guess it seems that the only way for me to accept some good rest was to get injured… and if you burn the candle from both ends you will always end up paying the price whether you like it or not.
Its just like back in the day, when we were all in school and our teachers would tell us (or at least mine would) not to revise all night until early morning as nothing would stay in your head – just study a couple of hours a day because the brain needs some rest in order to remember and process all the stuff you have been reading.
So as I have said previously regarding training…. Too much of a good thing can actually be bad, and often we don’t realize what we have until something bad happens to make us step back and think. Just like with everything else in this world, we need to have some balance…
Love, peace and big muscles.
body fitnes,
body fitness,
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