I have been thinking about this question for a while now. I feel that when you do something good, just out of the goodness of your heart, you often get the response ‘look at that idiot’ because you did something not wanting, or probably getting, anything in return. But if you are a real asshole to people, you are also labelled as an idiot.
So how do you win at the end of the day? Is the world turning us all into jerks? Well I hope not, lol. But the way things are going, it seems that the winners and the ones who get most respect are the jerks.
I gave this topic a lot of thought, and came to some conclusions of my own. A jerk or an asshole is a person with the absence of good in his life, or love to put it in more emotional terms. It is a person who is scared to show any emotion or feelings so he finds ways to put people down in order to make himself feel better. Because he doesn’t know good, and doesn’t see good he is always expecting something in return for whatever he does. And ultimately, he is never at peace with his inner self.
A good hearted person on the other hand, or the goody as they say in movies, is the person that has the good inside him, and will do good because he feels like it, and not because he wants something back. He is happy to do good, happy to see people achieve targets and goals and is not scared to show his emotions, helping people in whatever way he can. Basically, he is at peace with his inner self, and has no frustrations or hate or anger within him.
Not quite sure why I write this but it is something that has been making me think for a while now. Hope it will inspire some of you to be the good guy rather than the asshole! Make the world a nicer place...
Love, peace and big muscles.
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